Commissioners - Contact Information - Houston County

Houston County

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Contact Information

Houston County Board of Commissioners
200 Carl Vinson Parkway
Warner Robins, Georgia 31088

Phone: (478) 542-2115
Fax: (478) 923-5697

Houston County is a political subdivision of the State. It exists for civil and political purposes, and acts under powers given to it by the State of Georgia. The governing authority for Houston County is the Houston County Board of Commissioners. There are five members on the Board of Commissioners. They are elected at-large for four-year terms. The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is a full-time, elected official charged with being the chief executive officer. The remaining four members serve on a part-time basis.

Each Commissioner is given a specific work assignment, and asked to serve as a liaison for the Board in the area assigned. These work assignments are listed below.

Dan PerdueDan Perdue, Chairman, Houston County Board of Commissioners, Post 1

As chief executive officer, Dan Perdue keeps abreast of all areas of county government. The Chairman also sits on several local boards including: the Houston County Development Authority (liaison), the Middle Georgia Regional Commission, the Board of Health, the Perry-Houston County Airport Authority and others.
Click here to email the Chairman.


Shane Gottwals, Houston County Commissioner, Post 2

Post 2 Commissioner Shane Gottwals's work assignments include developing and maintaining appropriate personnel policies and fringe benefits for county employees. He is liaison for the City of Centerville. Other departmental assignments include the Houston County Library Board, the State Court and support departments, and the Superior Court Clerk's Office.
Click here to email the Post 2 Commissioner.


Gail RobinsonGail Robinson, Houston County Commissioner, Post 3

Post 3 Commissioner Gail Robinson is liaison to the Juvenile and Magistrate Courts and supporting departments. Commissioner Robinson also works closely with the Sheriff's Department, the E-911 services, the Fire Department, the Houston Emergency Management Agency, Purchasing, and serves on the Animal Control Board.
Click here to email the Post 3 Commissioner.


 Tal Talton, Houston County Commissioner, Post 4

Post 4 Commissioner Tal Talton's department work assignments include the Board of Elections, Public Works, and the Probate Court. Commissioner Talton is also responsible for working with the Tax Commissioner, Computer services, and the Building Inspection and Zoning. He is liaison for the City of Perry.
Click here to email the Post 4 Commissioner.


Mark ByrdMark Byrd, Houston County Commissioner, Post 5

Post 5 Commissioner Mark Byrd is responsible for reviewing and developing appropriate fiscal policy. Issues affecting the operations of the county's Landfill, the Tax Assessor's office, Superior Court, District Attorney, and the Water system also come under his purview. He is liaison for the City of Warner Robins and the Board of Education.
Click here to email the Post 5 Commissioner.


Robbie DunbarRobbie Dunbar, Director of Administration

As Director of Administration, Robbie Dunbar is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the County's "staff" departments. He acts as liaison to the Commissioner's Office and advises the Board of Commissioners on matters relating to the operations of finance, purchasing, personnel, computer technology, building inspections, zoning and animal control.
Click here to email the Director of Administration.


Tom HallTom Hall, County Attorney

As County Attorney, Tom Hall advises the Board of Commissioners on the legality of its actions. He prepares and/or reviews all legal documents for the County and represents the Board of Commissioners in any civil litigation.