Purchasing Department
Notice of Public Auction
Houston County Purchasing Department |
Houston County Purchasing Warehouse |
Vanessa Zimmerman, Purchasing Director
Jessica Mitchell, Senior Purchasing Clerk
Aindrea Braswell, Purchasing Clerk
Kris Boyst, Inventory and Records Manager
Brian Taylor, Warehouse Associate
It is the intent of the governing authority of the county to establish regulations and procedures to provide for an efficient and fiscally responsible system for the purchase of materials and services necessary for the effective operations of the county government and to ensure the administration of such system is in accordance with the highest ethical and fiscal standards and applicable laws.
Powers and Duties
The purchasing agent shall have the following authority, responsibility and duties:
- To purchase or contract for all materials, supplies and services requested by the using departments and divisions of the county government pursuant to the provisions of this article.
- To purchase or procure for the county materials, supplies, equipment and contractual services from the lowest and best bidder meeting specifications.
- To maintain up-to-date files of all vendors known to the county who are reputable and responsible vendors of materials, supplies and services regularly used by the county, including descriptions of their goods or services, prices, and discounts as may be available.
- To sell or dispose of all obsolete or unusable personal property in accordance with the ordinance rules, regulations, or resolutions which may be adopted by the county.
- To coordinate cooperative purchasing practices with other cities and counties.
- To establish, and amend when necessary, as authorized, all rules and regulations, as may be necessary for the implementation of this article.
Purchase Orders
Except as otherwise provided herein, all purchases for materials, supplies, and services for the county shall be on an official county purchase order as prescribed by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and in accordance with the procedures in the purchasing manual. The Chairman has the authority not to honor purchases made outside these procedures. These obligations may be incurred instead by the individual responsible for the purchase.
Save and E-Verify
Competitive Bidding Required
All purchases for materials, supplies, equipment or services estimated to cost over $100,000.00 shall be based on competitive bidding procedures specifically set forth in the purchasing manual. These procedures include formal advertising, contracts, specifications, sealed bids, public opening, bid deposits and performance bonds. Any purchase for materials, supplies, equipment or services with an estimated cost between $5,000.00 and $100,000.00 shall be based upon written competitive quotations from at least three reputable vendors, without regard for formal advertising.
Any purchases for materials, supplies, equipment or services estimated to cost between $1,001 and $5,000 shall be based upon verbal quotations from at least three reputable vendors. Any item, materials, or service which has a value of $1,000.00 or less may be purchased from any approved vendor recommended by the using agency or in the absence of such recommendation, from any approved vendor selected by the purchasing agent. Each such purchase shall be authorized by the head of the using department or division in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the purchasing manual.
Local Preference
Bids awarded to local vendors contribute to the local tax base and will, therefore, be given special consideration when bidding against outside vendors. Bids received from vendors within the confines of the county will be given preference if their bid is within three percent of the low bid submitted by an out-of-county bidder. This policy does not apply to any purchases of materials, equipment or services in excess of $150,000.00. On those cases, the Board of Commissioners will make their decision based on the lowest and best bid as submitted.