Commissioners - Meeting Minutes - Houston County

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Meeting Minutes

Houston County Commissioners Meeting Schedule 2024

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The Houston County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26, 2012, at the Houston County Annex in Warner Robins, Georgia, with Chairman Stalnaker presiding and Commissioners McMichael, Walker, Thomson and Robinson present.  Also present were Director of Administration Barry Holland, Director of Personnel Ken Carter, Director of Operations Robbie Dunbar, Chief Building Inspector Tim Andrews and County Attorney Tom Hall.

Centerville Mayor John Harley was also present.

Director of Operations Robbie Dunbar led the audience in the Invocation.

Chief Building Inspector Tim Andrews led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Mr. McMichael, second by Ms. Robinson and carried unanimously to approve the payments of bills totaling $1,139,304.83. 

Chairman Stalnaker then read the following Resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget for Houston County:

WHEREAS, the Houston County Board of Commissioners has prepared a line-item budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013; and


WHEREAS, the Houston County Board of Commissioners has adhered to the provisions of O.C.G.A. Section 36-81-3, as amended; and


WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on June 19, 2012, and it is now in the best interest of the County that the budget be adopted,


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Houston County Board of Commissioners that the annual budget for Houston County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved and adopted in the amount of:


General Fund                                     $ 50,149,860

E911 Telephone Fund                        $   3,770,670

Fire District Fund                               $   1,780,678

SPLOST Fund                                   $ 31,477,422

Water Fund                                        $   6,164,000

Solid Waste Fund                               $   7,543,784

Internal Service Fund                          $   8,573,200

Special Revenue Funds                       $      695,000 



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013, the E911 Fund shall designate $157,347 in prior year fund balance for equipment, wireless charges and indirect cost allocations.  The Solid Waste Fund will designate $52,500 in prior year host fees for equipment to be transferred out to the General Fund.  Prior year SPLOST revenue in the amount of $7,320,422 shall be designated for construction.



BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the annual budget beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013 includes a three (3) percent cost-of-living adjustment (effective June 26, 2012 pay period) for all merit system employees, county elected and appointed officials, and COLAs on supplements for all full-time employees receiving county supplements. Merit and longevity pay increases are suspended for all employees.  Position reclassifications are also suspended. 


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any increase in appropriation for any department or salary line-item in excess of the approved budget shall require approval by the Board of Commissioners authorizing said funds to be expended.


After presenting the Resolution, Chairman Stalnaker asked each Commissioner for their


 Mr. Walker remarked that we are truly blessed in Houston County for both the leadership and the County employees that we have.  He also stated that he would hope that although it could not be done this year that the merit system could be reinstated at some time in the future for the employees.

 Ms. Robinson thanked the other Commissioners and the Chairman for their efforts toward putting the budget together.

Mr. Thomson thanked everyone involved in the budget process.

Mr. McMichael also thanked everyone involved and remarked that it was a great thing that there would be no increase in the millage rate and the COLA for employees was achieved.

Chairman Stalnaker thanked the media for their fair and balanced coverage of the budget process.  He also remarked on the millage rate remaining unchanged and that the COLA for employees was possible largely due to the cost savings on health insurance, which he credited mostly to the employees themselves, and due as well to sound financial management exercised by all department heads and elected officials during the year.  He remarked that with the current level of contingency fund that the County will carry into the new fiscal year that the County is in good financial condition and that he is proud that    the citizens will not face a tax increase.  He emphasized once again the team effort that it requires for the County to function in the manner that it does.

Motion made in unison and carried unanimously to authorize the Chairman to sign the FY2013 Budget Resolution adopting the FY2013 budget as presented.

Chairman Stalnaker then opened the meeting for public comments.  There being no public comments the meeting was continued.

Motion by Mr. Walker, second by Mr. Thomson and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


