State Court Clerk

 JANUARY 22, 2025

If you were scheduled for court on January 23, please do not report. You will need to report on January 30th at 8:00 am. You will not be subject to a license suspension or a bench warrant. Due to the weather,  court personnel will not report to the courthouse until noon. If you have questions please contact the Clerks Office at 478-218-4970 after noon on January 23.


 JULY 7, 2023




If you received a citation in the mail for a school zone violation, the State Court of Houston County does NOT handle those citations.

Please contact 1-855-252-0086 or visit to pay or for further information regarding those citations.



Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 10-1-393.8, effective July 1, 2006, it became illegal in the State of Georgia to publicly post or publicly display in any manner an individual's social security number. As used in this Code Section, "publicly post" means to "intentionally communicate or otherwise make available to the general public." Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 9-11-7.1, effective July 1, 2014, social security numbers, taxpayer identification numbers, financial account numbers and birthdates require some degree of redaction before the pleading/documentation can be admitted into evidence. Domestic practitioners with financial affidavits, worksheets and standing order responses usually have a number of these numbers in the documents.

Pertinent portions of the statute are as follows:

  1. Redacted filings. Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this Code section or unless the court orders otherwise, a filing with the court that contains a social security number, taxpayer identification number, financial account number, or birth date shall include only:
    1. The last four digits of a social security number;
    2. The last four digits of a taxpayer identification number;
    3. The last four digits of a financial account number; and
    4. The year of an individual’s birth.

All records in the State Court Clerks' offices are generally public records and the inclusion of the social security number is prohibited and is in violation of the law. If additional personal information is necessary for credit, criminal history or other legitimate purposes, please review O.C.G.A. 10-1-393.8 and O.C.G.A. 9-11-7.1(a) before filing.

This office will not refuse to file a document that we are otherwise required by law to file, publicly post or publicly display for public inspection if O.C.G.A. 9-11-7.1(a) is not followed. The Clerk shall be held harmless for such filings in accordance with O.C.G.A. §10-1-393.8(d).

Please join us in reducing the opportunity of identity theft and the abuse of personal information.


New State Court Clerk Address and Phone Number starting January 23, 2023:

201 Perry Parkway
Perry, GA 31069



201 Perry Parkway
Perry, GA. 31069

Phone: (478) 218-4970

The State Court of Houston County handles civil law suits, garnishments, eviction proceedings, personal property foreclosures, traffic violations and misdemeanor cases. We hope you will find the information on our page helpful.

General Information

The Clerk of State Court performs all administrative functions of the State Court as prescribed by law and court rules. This office is responsible for maintaining accurate and complete records of all court proceedings, including all traffic offenses, misdemeanors, and certain civil actions. In addition, all money of the court is received and disbursed by the clerk. Houston County is located in the middle of the State of Georgia. We have a rather unique situation in that our State Court is located in Warner Robins, Georgia while the Superior Court is located in Perry, Georgia. Most courts are located in the same city and usually in the same building.

Important Notice: The clerk of state court and the deputy clerks are committed to providing you with excellent customer service. We will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about the services of this office or the procedures you must follow for a particular state court process. Please be advised, however, that state law prohibits our staff from rendering legal advice, restating the law or recommending specific ways to pursue legal action. If you have a problem involving the interpretation of the law, we suggest you contact an attorney licensed in the State of Georgia.

Clerk of State Court, Teresa Hathaway

In 2016, Teresa was appointed as the Clerk of State Court by the Houston County Board of Commissioners after having been a paralegal in the private sector for 28 years, working with several local law firms.  Her longest stint as a paralegal and office manager was with O’Neal, Long & Hall for 22 years.  Her last paralegal position was with Walker, Hulbert, Gray & Moore. 

Teresa attended public schools in Nash County, North Carolina before receiving her Associate in Applied Science degree in Paralegal Technology in 1987 from Pitt Community College in Greenville, North Carolina.  She moved to Warner Robins after graduation.  Teresa is active in her community volunteering at Southeast Little League each year.  She has been a resident of Houston County for 31 years.  She is married to Kenneth and they have three children.

Deputy Clerks

  • Ellie Mullens, Chief Deputy Clerk
  • Gretchen Roberts, Deputy Clerk - Traffic & Criminal Division
  • Dalia Anguiano, Deputy Clerk - Traffic & Criminal Division
  • Renee Hertog, Deputy Clerk - Civil Division


You can now access documents online and electronically file into new cases. Visit and register to get started.
