Traffic Violations
Click here to search the Traffic/Criminal Records and/or Pay a Fine.
Plea of Guilty
Any traffic violation not listed in the paragraph below, which you do not intend to contest and to which you want to enter a plea of guilty, may be disposed of by (1) appearance in Court on the date indicated on your Uniform Traffic Citation or (2) mailing a money order in the the amount of your fine to the Clerk or (3) Online at or (4) in person with cash, debt or credit card. There is a 4% fee to use a debit or credit card.
Payment by Mail
If you are unable to determine the amount due, call or write:
State Court of Houston County
201 Perry Parkway
Perry, GA 31069
(478) 218-4970
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Include payment of fine together with a copy of yellow ticket(s) signed on the back in the blank provided. It must be postmarked no later than your court date.
- Payment must be cash, cashier's check, or money order
- Make payable to State Court of Houston County
- Pay Online with a Credit / Debit Card
Super Speeder Law
Effective January 1, 2010, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 40-6-189: In addition to the fines or penalties imposed by this local jurisdiction, the Georgia Department of Driver Services shall administer and collect an additional fee of $200.00 from any driver who is convicted of speeding at 85 mph or more on any road or at 75 mph or more on a two-lane road. DDS must send written notice to the customer within thirty (30) days of its receipt of a super-speeder citation, and if the customer does not pay the citation within ninety (90) days, he or she is subject to a license suspension of indefinite duration until he or she pays the fee plus a reinstatement fee of $50.00.
NOTE: The State Court of Houston County has no jurisdictionover this penalty and cannot collect it or assist you with any information concerning it other than as provided above. You must contact DDS for information regarding the fee, forms of payment and/or penalties. Contact DDS at 678-413-8400, 678-413-8500, 678-413-8600 or TOLL FREE at 866-754-3687 if you are calling outside the metro Atlanta area
Court Only Cases
The following cases must be handled by Appearance in Court:
- DUI - Driving under influence
- Reckless driving, racing or laying drag
- VGCSA - Violation of Georgia Controlled Substance Act
- No Insurance
- Fleeing or attempting to elude officer
- Driving with suspended driver's license
- Driving with suspended registration
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your driver's license will be suspended by the Georgia Department of Public Safety and a bench warrant could be issued for your arrest if you fail to respond on or before your Court date in accordance with the procedures outlined above.