Marriage License



201 N. Perry Parkway, P.O. Box 1801
Perry, GA 31069

Phone: (478) 218-4710
Fax: (478) 218-4715


Start your Marriage Application ONLINE to expedite your services!!!

Go to Link:



The Probate Court of Houston County issues marriage licenses and maintains those records. We also issue certified and plain copies of marriage licenses and applications for all marriages that were applied for in Houston County.

General Information

Obtaining a License to Marry

  • Applicants must both appear in person (special circumstances apply - Please email us at the email address below for details)
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older
  • If either applicant is 17 years of age, said applicant must be emancipated. (Affidavit for Underage Marriage Applicant)
  • A picture identification card is required for both applicants.
  • A divorce decree or death certificate from the former spouse is required from one or both applicants that have had prior marriages.
  • An application for a marriage license must be filled out and signed by both applicants.
  • At least one applicant has to be a resident of Georgia in order to apply for a marriage license in a county other than the county they are to be married in. If both applicants are not residents of Georgia, you must apply in the same county you are getting married in.
  • There is a $77.00 fee for a marriage license without Certification of Premarital Counseling and $37.00 with Certificate of Premarital Counseling. .  No Personal Checks Will Be Accepted Please refer to accepted methods of payment on main page
  • In order to qualify for the reduced fee, the couple must provide the Court with a signed and dated certificate of completion of a qualifying premarital education program. You may use the following form: Premarital Education Certificate.doc.
  • Marriage Ceremony: Judge Harris performs marriage ceremonies from 10:00 – 4:00 on the last Friday of each month and performs one group ceremony on the first Wednesday of each month at 3:00.  You must have your marriage license in-hand prior to the day of your ceremony.  You must have an appointment. 
    GO TO: to schedule your appointment.

Filing a License after the Marriage Ceremony

After a couple is married by a clergy or person who is authorized to perform marriage ceremonies, the license is mailed back to the Probate Court. The court then issues a certified copy of the marriage license to the couple through the mail.

Fees for certified and plain copies of marriage licenses and applications

  • If a couple needs additional certified copies of their marriage license, they may be purchased for $10.00 each. No Personal Checks Will Be Accepted – Please refer to accepted methods of payment on main page
  • Identification is required to purchase certified copies.
  • Both the marriage application and license are public record and can be purchased by anyone. Plain copies are $1.00 per page.

To receive certified or plain copies in the mail

  • Send us a written request with the name of the Bride (name prior to marriage) and Groom and date of marriage
  • Please tell us what type of copy and how many copies you are requesting
  • Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope
  • Please enclose a money order (no personal checks will be accepted) for the total amount of copies requested          
    • Plain copies are $1.00 per page
    • Certified copies are $10.00 each
  • If you are requesting certified copies, enclose a copy of your picture ID

To receive a certified copy of  your  marriage license online

For your convenience, you can process online requests through an independent company that Houston County Probate Court has partnered with to provide you this service;

VitalChek Network, Inc.  VitalChek can be reached through its website:  

An additional fee is charged by VitalChek for using this service, and all major credit cards are accepted, including American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard® or Visa®.

NOTE: to receive a copy online, the requester must be the bride or the groom of the marriage that is being requested.  Otherwise, you must apply in person or by mail.

For further information, please email Denise Burgin at [email protected].


Related Links

  • Central Georgia Genealogy Society - A group of dedicated individuals from diverse backgrounds with a common interest: genealogy.
  • Georgia Genealogical Society - Includes Georgia specific links (Genealogy societies, libraries, reference topics, etc) and links to general sites.
  • - A fee-based website, but allows free trial use. Searchable by name, historical records. Includes several links to local resources like census records, military records, reference/finding aids, etc.