Meeting Minutes

Houston County Commissioners Meeting Schedule 2025

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Houston County Commissioners Meeting



The Houston County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at the Houston County Annex in Warner Robins, Georgia with Chairman Stalnaker presiding and Commissioners McMichael, Walker, Thomson and Robinson present.  Also present were Director of Administration Barry Holland, Director of Operations Robbie Dunbar, Director of Personnel Ken Carter, HEMA/Fire Chief Jimmy Williams, Chief Building Inspector Tim Andrews, Project Coordinator Clarence Long, Joanne Fladd, Walton Wood, Becky Wood and County Attorney Tom Hall. 


Commissioner McMichael led the audience in the Invocation.


Mr. Henry Golden, retired MSgt. United States Air Force, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and gave a detailed account of his career with the Air Force.  Mr. Golden joined the Air Force in November 1979 serving 4 years as a supply technician during his first enlistment.  Shortly after, he enlisted for a second time and served as a logistics specialist working at planning deployments during this time.  Through his service years he learned the true meaning of camaraderie and the importance of being part of a team.   


Motion by Mr. McMichael second by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of July 3, 2012.


Mr. Barry Holland, Director of Administration, gave a second reading of an Alcohol License Application submitted by Jitendrakumar N. Patel representing MAA Durga LLC D/B/A Dev Liquor Store.  Chairman Stalnaker then opened a public hearing on an alcohol license application for MAA Durga LLC D/B/A Dev Liquor Store. Chairman Stalnaker acknowledged the presence of the applicant, but indicated he did not wish to speak. There being no opposition the meeting was continued.


Motion by Mr. McMichael, second by Mr. Thomson and carried unanimously to approve an Alcohol License Application submitted by Jitendrakumar N. Patel representing MAA Durga LLC D/B/A Dev Liquor Store for the retail sale of beer/wine/liquor located at 2328 Hwy. 41 N., Perry, Georgia.


Motion by Mr. Walker, second by Ms. Robinson and carried unanimously to approve a personnel request from the Director of Administration to hire Mr. Mark Baker for the vacant Purchasing Agent position at Grade 27, Step F, at $59,217.60 annually, effective July 30, 2012.


Mr. Ken Carter, Director of Personnel, presented an Edge Fitness membership item.  Mr. Carter spoke in regards to an increase from $5.50 to $6.00 each employee would see if they are enrolled in the plan.  Mr. Walker commented that the program aids an overall employee wellness and that he wishes more employees would take advantage of the program; and also that it contributes to keeping health insurance rates down.


Motion by Mr. Walker, second by Ms. Robinson and carried unanimously to approve an increase of the employees cost of the Edge Fitness membership from $5.50 per pay period to $6.00 per pay period effective July 24, 2012. 


Motion by Ms. Robinson, second by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously to reappoint Mr. Mike Mathis to the Central Georgia Region 5 EMS Board.  The term is for three years and will expire June 30, 2015. 


Motion by Mr. Thomson, second by Mr. McMichael and carried unanimously to approve FY2012 Water Fund debt write-off of $18,727.90, Waste Collection (Sanitation) debt write-off of $9,750.00, and Solid Waste Disposal (Landfill) debt write-off of $13,263.87.  Every effort will continue to be made to collect this bad debt.



Motion by Mr. McMichael, second by Mr. Thomson and carried unanimously to approve the following FY2012 year-end budget adjustments:


General Fund (100):

            Increase Expenditures:

            Executive                                1300-51.1100  Regular Employees                 $10,500

            Superior Court                        2150-51.1200  Temporary Employees            $  3,500

            Juvenile Court-Enhancement  2620-51.1200  Temporary Employees            $     900

            Coroner                                   3700-52.1200  Professional Services              $  5,000

            Welfare Admin (DFACS)      5410-52.2200  Repairs/Maintenance               $     300

                                                            5410-58.1300  Other Debt Principal               $  5,100

            Vital Statistics                         5120-52.3900  Other                                       $     150

                                                                                                            Total                $25,450


            Decrease Expenditures:

            Executive                                1300-52.3200  Communications                     $  2,500

                                                            1300-52.3300  Advertising                             $  3,500

                                                            1300-52.3400  Printing                                   $  1,000

                                                            1300-52.3600  Dues & Fees                            $  2,500

                                                            1300-52.3700  Training                                   $  1,000

Superior Court                        2150-52.1200  Professional Services              $  3,500

            Juvenile Court-Enhancement  2620-52.3500  Travel                                      $     900

            Contingency                            1599-57.9000  Contingency                            $  5,000

            Mental Health                         5115-58.1300  Principal                                  $  5,400

            Mosquito Control                    5144-53.1100  General Supplies                     $     150

                                                                                                            Total                $25,450


SPLOST Fund (320):

            Increase Expenditures:

            Water                                      4400-54.1400  Infrastructure                          $51,275


            Decrease Expenditures:

            Highways & Streets                4200-54.1400  Infrastructure                          $51,275


Solid Waste Fund (540):

            Increase Expenditures:

            Closure / Post-Closures           4560-57.6000  Closure / Post-Closure            $41,976


            Increase Revenues:

            Solid Waste Fund                   540-34.4121    Sale L/Gas                               $41,976


Internal Service Fund (600):

            Increase Expenditures:

            Risk Management (W/C)        1556-52.1200  Professional Services            $183,672


            Increase Revenues:

                                                            600-13-3602    Retained Earnings/W-Comp $183,672



Motion by Mr. McMichael, second by Ms. Robinson and carried unanimously to approve payment of the bills totaling $1,579,295.00.


Director of Operations Robbie Dunbar briefed the Board on the required steps taken to date relative to the proposed landfill expansion.  Mr. Thomson asked Mr. Dunbar to clarify the expected capacity that the expansion would provide.  Mr. Dunbar stated that the current capacity is approximately 10 years and that the expansion would increase that to 100 years.


Mr. Walker asked Mr. Dunbar how the capacity was calculated.  Mr. Dunbar explained that many factors such as growth rates, waste density and compaction are used by the engineers to calculate the capacity.


Chairman Stalnaker then opened the meeting for public comments.  Ms. Jeanne Moyer asked whether the expansion would increase capacity for both the MSW and C&D.  Mr. Dunbar stated that it would increase capacity for both.  Being no further public comments the meeting was continued.


Mr. Walker remarked that Mr. Arthur White, Mr. Milton Beckham and Mr. Charlie Stewart should be commended for laying the ground work years ago for such a successful landfill.  The resolution was read by the Director of Administration and a motion was made by Mr. McMichael, second by Mr. Thomson and carried unanimously to authorize the Chairman to sign a resolution determining the proposed MSW Landfill expansion to be consistent with Houston Countys Solid Waste Management Plan, and further approving the sitting decision pertaining to submission of an application to the Georgia EPD for the proposed expansion.


Chairman Stalnaker then opened the meeting for public comments.


Director of Operations Robbie Dunbar, recognized Joanne Fladd, a retired County employee, for her willingness to fill in for an employee who is out on extended sick leave.


Jeanne Moyer briefed the Board on the progress that Advanced Disposal is making catching up on the waste pick-up.  Ms. Moyer thanked the public for their continued patience.


HEMA/Fire Chief Jimmy Williams briefed the Board on a recent fire caused by an electrical short which resulted in the total loss of a double-wide mobile home.  There were no fatalities and no Fire Department personnel were injured during the incident.  He stated that the City of Centerville responded to the scene as well under the mutual aid agreement.


Mr. Walker asked Chief Williams whether another agency could respond to an emergency call under the mutual aid agreement without being first called.  Chief Williams explained that under our current mutual aid agreement there would have to be an official request for another agency to respond.


Motion by Mr. Walker, second by Mr. Thomson and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


